
Cataract Surgery – Things to Consider After Your Eye Surgery

Undergoing a cataract surgery is easy as compared to several other serious surgeries. The patient can return home within a few hours of cataract surgery. However, even after the surgery, you need to take care of certain things and watch out for further symptoms. You need to take extra care of your eyes.

Personal EYES offer the best quality cataract surgery and uses the latest laser techniques to treat patients. The surgeons have over 10 years of experience and work hard to treat their patients. They treat their patients with the utmost care and provide the best and reliable services. For further queries, you can visit website.

What happens during post-cataract surgery?

As soon as you undergo cataract surgery, you will be advised to take eye drops and other medications. This is basically to reduce the inflammation and prevent your eyes from infection. You will be advised to take rest and do not expose your eyes to the screen. The surgery is performed on one eye at a time. So do not panic if you notice some imbalance in your vision.

The vision may remain blurry at the beginning. It will start improving after a few days of surgery. The eyes require the time to heal and correct the vision. You may even experience some discomfort or itchiness in the eyes after a few days of surgery, but this is completely normal. You will be advised to wear an eye patch while sleeping to stop you from rubbing your eyes again and again. These symptoms will vanish in a few days.

The vision of eyes recovers slowly after the cataract surgery. The eyes require time to recover from surgery and restore your vision to normal. Things will start getting normal within a few months.

Things to consider post-cataract surgery

  • Once you have undergone cataract surgery, you should avoid getting indulged in strenuous activities for a few weeks at least. Do not perform heavy lifting or any rigorous exercise that might put a strain on your eyes.
  • You should not resume driving immediately after undergoing cataract surgery. This should not be done without taking the doctor’s advice. The eyes will need time to recover and the doctor will tell you after how much time you can start driving.
  • Take the antibiotics prescribed by the doctor timely. Do not miss any dose of anti-inflammatory eye drops. These are very crucial to protect your eyes from any kind of infection and promote healing. You can make a time-table if you are bad at remembering.
  • Stay away from localities that produce a lot of dust. This can make your eyes prone to airborne allergies. It is better to have your home vacuumed.
  • Do not rub your eyes now and then. Whether you are recovering from surgery or not, you should never rub your eyes because that will be a call for developing an infection.


If you feel you are experiencing vision loss, vomiting, excessive coughing, and nausea, you should immediately contact your doctor. If you are experiencing pain despite taking medications or flashes of light, do not ignore them and get in touch with your doctor as soon as possible.