
Parkinson’s Disease Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment Overview

Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common diseases that affect the nervous system terribly. It is neurodegenerative which indicates that it affects how the muscles run and how the brain works. Some people who have this disease also experience stiffness of the muscles and struggle to maintain balance. Let’s have an overview of the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease, it’s always nice to be on top of everything related to the disease before visiting a Parkinson’s specialist.

These nerve cells make and use a brain chemical called dopamine to send messages to other parts of the brain to coordinate body movements. When someone has Parkinson’s disease, dopamine levels are low. So, the body doesn’t get the best messages it needs to move normally.

Symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s illness symptoms can vary for every person. Initial signs may be mild and go ignored. Symptoms often start on one side of your body and normally remain more dangerous on that side, even after symptoms begin to hit both sides. Once you start observing these symptoms, you must immediately consult a Parkinson’s specialist.

Tremors: Tremors are an uncontrollable shaking that usually starts in your limbs, particularly your fingers or hands. One trait of Parkinson’s disease is shaking your hands when they are at rest.

Slow Movement: When you wander you may start to see that your steps have become short or that it is very hard to get out of a chair. Further, it might be challenging for you to lift your feet off of the floor as you walk making it even more difficult to move around.

Rigid Muscles: Muscle tightness may occur in any part of your body. The rigid muscles can reduce your flexibility and trigger pain.

Lack of Automated Movements: In this disorder, you might find it difficult to carry out subconscious movements, for example, smiling or blinking. You might no longer use body language when speaking.

Sudden changes in Writing: People who suffer from Parkinson’s disease find writing hard due to the tremors this disorder causes.

Speech changes: You may speak softly, fast, slur or pause before talking. Your communication may be more of a monotone rather than with the usual inflections.

What Are The Diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease?

It’s diagnosis is essentially based on the common signs outlined above. No X-ray or blood test can confirm the disease. However, noninvasive diagnostic imaging, for example, positron emission tomography (PET) can help a doctor’s diagnosis. Conventional methods for diagnosis such as:

  • The appearance of two of the three primary symptoms
  • The lack of other neurological symptoms upon examination
  • Responsiveness to Parkinson’s medications, like levodopa
  • No history of other possible conditions of parkinsonism, for instance, the use of head trauma, tranquilizer medications, or stroke.

What Causes Parkinson’s Disease? 

There are various factors that may contribute to the disease

  • Genetics

As per the study, genes play a vital role in the development of Parkinson’s. 15% of people with Parkinson’s have a family history of the condition.

Sometimes, Parkinson’s disease seems to run in families, but it is not always hereditary. Researchers are working to recognize specific genetic factors that may lead to Parkinson’s disease, but it appears that not one but several factors are responsible.

  • Age And Gender 

Aging plays an important role in Parkinson’s disease. Advanced age is the most significant risk factor for developing this disease. According to scientists, the brain and dopamine function begin to decline as the body ages.

  • Environmental Factors

A few researches also feel environmental factors may enhance a person’s risk of developing Parkinson’s disease.

It’s been recommended that pesticides and herbicides used in farming and traffic or industrial pollution may contribute to the condition.

But the evidence linking environmental factors to Parkinson’s disease is inconclusive.

Treatments of Parkinson’s Disease 

Parkinson’s disease is a complex situation with several symptoms. Well, there is currently no remedy, but treatment can assist relieve symptoms, a better quality of life and slow disease progression.

Treatment for Parkinson’s however, does not target the root cause of the disease but instead tries to control symptoms by reducing them through different types of drugs. The Parkinson’s specialist may wait for your symptoms to become a hindrance to your activities before guiding drugs.

Prescription of the illness would, of course, provide to bettering the patient manage the symptoms. Many drugs that help out in managing symptoms are prescribed, and non-pharmacologic methods such as physical therapies are helped to train to remain functional despite the problems of the disease.

But pharmacologic treatment is not enough. Other ways of treatment may include physical and occupational therapy to help you in keeping your mobility, independence, strength. A large number of experts may also ask on the inclusion of healthful nutrition and lifestyle to naturally keep the body well and to stop further imbalances.

While Parkinson’s treatment, it’s not right for you to depend on the effects of pharmacologic methods, but you must also try out your natural alternatives which can assist in maintaining your body’s natural balance.